The Team at The Linda Blair WorldHeart Foundation proudly wish our Founder and President Linda Blair, a very happy, wonderful Birthday! Linda has always been a dedicated animal advocate and friend dating back to her early childhood. She has chosen this path to ensure those that cannot speak for themselves, have a voice in this world.

Linda is working to ensure those who have fallen on hard times, or whom have never felt love, have someone to count on, with full bellies and full hearts. It has not been an easy journey over the last 12 years, but Linda continues to march forward with a vision of a better tomorrow for our companion animals.

Linda’s Birthday wish has always been the same – to be able to continue doing the work she does best and loves the most.

You can help by volunteering, adopting, donating, educating your friends and family and being a part of your community’s efforts to end pet homelessness.

Linda has made a huge difference in the lives of many, and today we would like to honor our founder by wishing her a heartfelt Happy Birthday! And, as always, in lieu of gifts, Linda graciously asks you make a donation to the WorldHeart Foundation in recognition of her birthday and the animals in need.

Together we CAN make a difference!

The Dedicated LBWF Team

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