
We support you and salute your hard work on behalf of all the animals that have been saved. Help us continue on, as there is still so much work that is undone in the trenches, on the front lines, as well as with legislation and working to change minds.


Linda’s birthday wish has always been the same – continue helping as many animals in need as possible. Help us celebrate Linda’s birthday and the 13 year anniversary of the LBWF Rescue Center by making a much needed donation today!
Your donations go directly to the care of the rescued dogs. Donations help cover the costs of medical care, spay/neuter, food, toys, treats, and other supplies needed for the care of the rescued. We thank you for your support!
LBWF is constantly touched by our adopters, who’s stories and lives are changed forever through9abb3b22-2403-49e6-97b7-4331040ddef2
the adoption and love of our death row rescued pets! Your donations and support help save both animals lives from death row, and humans hearts!


You can also help by shopping with some of our friends…

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